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Justin Bieber Insulting Indonesia

Posted by chikah
Justin Bieber concert at Sentul Internationl Convention Center 23 April 2011 lasted so festive. Justin Bieber thousands of fans screaming hysterically cheering young singer's presence in Indonesia.

However, a year later, Justin Bieber declared it a much different thing.

Bieber, who was then a pleasant country called Indonesia is now just insulting Indonesia Indonesia as a country by calling Random (not clear). It was raised Bieber currently promoting his new album, Believe in London, England.

The Voice in the event which was hosted Reggie Yates, Justin Bieber introduced three songs in that album. The first is All Around the World. It is not yet finished the song was played, Bieber stop the song by saying it's bad quality sound track.

"The sound quality is so bad," retorted Justin Bieber.

Yates then tried to make small talk by asking feelings compared to Justin Timberlake after trying to use a falsetto voice in his new single, Boyfriend. But again, Bieber answered curtly.

"I do not follow Justin Timberlake," charmless before finally introducing another single, As Long As You Love Me by saying. "This is a song that is very very interesting." "But maybe it will sound bad with this speaker."

Selena Gomez lover was later explained that it can not be separated from the recording process was so bad.

"I was in a random state (not clear)," Bieber said the then described his manager, Scott Braun, the state in question is Indonesia.

"I did a recording in a studio. In a small place. And they (Indonesia) do not know and understand what they are doing."

Upon this, a number of comments to appear. Not a few who sneer Justin Bieber statement about Indonesia, given the thousands of fans in Indonesia so loved Justin.+

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